shandong weifang – Weifang – China, Bahía Bohai | +86 536-808-5568 | | | ||
Servicios > intermediarios, distribuidores, agentes, representantes... Servicios > marketing, ferias, traducción, inspección, filosofía 4.0 |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Papeete (Polinesia Francesa) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Belgrado (Serbia) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Chisinau (Moldavia) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Prístina (Kosovo) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Basilea (Suiza) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Aracaju (Brasil) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Ulán Bator (Mongolia) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Akita (Japón) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - San Marino (San Marino) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Micronesia (Micronesia) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Arlington (TX) (Estados Unidos, golfo de México) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Mónaco (Mónaco) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Almaty (Kazajistán) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Arcángel (Rusia) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Cuenca (Ecuador) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Vaduz (Liechtenstein) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Georgetown (Guyana) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Cochabamba (Bolivia) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Barrie (Canadá) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Gómel (Bielorrusia) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Albuquerque (Estados Unidos, Centro) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Skopie (Macedonia) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Montevideo (Uruguay) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Numea (Nueva Caledonia) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Honiara (Islas Salomón) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Nukualofa (Tonga) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Suva (Fiyi) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Asunción (Paraguay) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Asjabad (Turkmenistán) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Arequipa (Perú) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Ereván (Armenia) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Barquisimeto (Venezuela) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Tarawa Sur (Kiribati) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Bania Luka (Bosnia,Herzegovina) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Guam (Guam) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Lhasa (Tíbet) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Auckland (Nueva Zelanda) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Hong Kong (Hong Kong) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Biskek (Kirguistán) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Namangán (Uzbekistán) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Pyongyang (Corea del Norte) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Bakú (Azerbaiyán) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Anaheim (Estados Unidos, Costa Oeste) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Cherkasy (Ucrania) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Macao (Macao) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Armenia (Colombia) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Akron (Estados Unidos,Grandes Lagos) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Changhua (Taiwán) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Puerto Moresby (Papúa Nueva Guinea) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Antofagasta (Chile) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Ansan (Corea del Sur) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Paramaribo (Surinam) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Albany (NY) (Estados Unidos, Costa Este) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Tiflis (Georgia) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Dusambé (Tayikistán) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Podgorica (Montenegro) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Port Vila (Vanuatu) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Apia (Samoa) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Bergen (Noruega) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Adelaide (Australia) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Buenos Aires (Argentina) | Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Dili (Timor Oriental) |
Pekín (China, Bahía Bohai) - Reikiavik (Islandia) |
If your products want to be settled in the commercial center of China, our company bases on your product positioning, selects the best area and business center for you.
Compass can help you:
3.1、Investigate regional consumption capacity;
3.2、Investigate regional business center operations
3.3、Based on the investigation situation, Compass can form a business report;
3.4、Under your authorization, Compass will conduct business negotiations with the business center, until sign the contract;
3.5、Assist you to complete the layout of the business center by dispatch the business assistant;
3.6、Through our joint office, our company provide accounting, legal, human resources and IT services as your needs. @ marketing in china
Compass foreign business service center (Abbrev. Compass) is a comprehensive agency that can provide one-stop service for foreign businessmen from around the world. It’s the professional agency that get the permission to establish by Chinese government. Compass provides one-stop agency services for foreign businessmen in China- investment, purchasing, joining electronic commerce platform and marketing. Compass will help the foreign businessmen’ to do their business operations in China easier. The professional teams that consisted of different realm experts will greatly shorten the time in different steps, reduce the business costs, and the business risk in the investment project in China. @ Doing business in China